Friday, May 29, 2009

New nursery banner and NEW STAMPS! :)

I worked on one of my sewing projects today...this adorable banner with some more Heather Bailey fabric. I was looking at banners on Etsy the other night and found some really cute ones...but then I thought..."those would be super simple to make!" so I made one with the HB fabric I wanted to use for something in the nursery anyway.

And I got the samples of my new stamps today!! :) These are the ones that were supposed to be out by the end of last year...5 or 6 MONTHS ago...and then Big Mac died. I don't back stuff up properly. :( Jason recovered the hard drive in January or February and got me my files, but we were a little busy in Jan/Feb with the house search, so now that things have calmed down, we have new stamps!!! (before things get extremely busy with the new baby.) So, keep your eyes out for them to be added to the store sometime in a few weeks.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hannah's room so far:

I've been waiting for so long to do the nursery...I got to work on it some on Monday, so here it is so far...I still have a few sewing projects, and I have to decide on the artwork for the walls...and I have to re-upholster the cair, but it will do for now:

Since the room has linoleum floors, pretty much the easiest thing to do was buy a 6x9 area carpet that covers most of the floor...we can decide on a more permanent flooring choice later. :)

The crib looks pretty bare right now...I hope to make the crib skirt this week...but I don't really want bumpers for now...we'll see if she starts moving around and getting limbs stuck between slats, but as I understand, when babies are little bumpers are pretty much just a SIDS risk.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Because my feet are swolen...

I'm taking a little break in the recliner to eat lunch and share a sewing project before going for my NST.

One of the ladies Jason works with handed us down a bunch of baby clothes and other things, one of those things being a bouncy chair....and since Tweety and Sylvester are not exacly my style, a make-over was definitely in order.
I spent less than $5 on this Heather Bailey fabric, and everything else I already had in my sewing stash (extra fabric for the backing, the batting, the thread)...or I used from the old cover (the clippies.)

I think it turned out pretty well, now all I need is a baby to put in it! :)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

36 weeks

Today was a little crazy!

I had an appointment to meet my new regular Dr. this morning, and she was wonderful, I'm really glad I'm old Dr. was kind of odd and would look at the floor the whole time she talked to you, and I would always go home not quite sure what the woman was saying.

Then I had lunch with my Sweetie before going to my 36 week OB appointment. I do my NSTs twice a week...and the nurse always calls Hannah her over-achiever, cause she always does exactly what she's supposed to...not so today. Hannah moved around and practiced her dancing ALL morning, and then after having lunch and emptying my bladder she settled in for a little nap....and didn't want to do anything! Usually we're on the monitor for 20-25 minutes TOPS and I get to go home. Since Hannah wouldn't cooperate the Dr. had to do an ultrasound to make sure she was practicing her breathing and to watch her move around a few times. She aslo did my GBS swab...and since I had my pants off anyway, she checked to see how things were progressing...for the last time before my due date. She was surprised to find that I was 3cm dialated and 80% effaced, and said that even though it didn't mean I would go right away...she would be around all weekend except Saturday morning when she was getting her hair cut. :) We'll see...I still think Hannah should hold out for at least Sunday when she will officially be full-term. (but I AM getting a little anxious for her to be here...even though I feel like there's still so much to get done!)

Since this all took so much longer than it was supposed to, I was late for my hair appointment, I called on my way over there, and they were wonderful enough to reschedule me for an hour later. One of the wonderful ladies Jason works with got me a gift certificate for a shampoo, cut, and style, I was so it's been almost a YEAR since it was last cut. The girl who cut it was named Jenna, and she cuts hair a lot like Jenny does, so it was nice.

When I got out of there I found that my car had a flat tire. :( It's the first time I've ever had one. I called Jason and left him a message saying that I had a flat tire and would try to change it...he called me back a couple of minutes later and said that he would get there as soon as he could and NOT to change it. (I didn't really want to anyway, all I could picture was me trying to change a flat tire and my water breaking or something wonderful like that!) He he he. Well, turns out a nice man that lived right there saw me stranded with a flat and helped me out, and it's a good thing he did...cause my silly wheel was STUCK on there...he had to pound it off with a sledge hammer it was so stuck. So he changed the whole thing for me...I didn't have any cash on me, but I made sure to write down his name and address to send him a thank-you. By this time Jason had just made it to Kenosha and met me at Culvers for some food before we drove back to Oak Creek to drop my car off at our favorite Meineke and then he drove me home. Quite the day, huh?

So my picture up there is taken in Hannah's room, I put the first coat of paint on her walls yesterday, and will do the second tomorrow, I'm so excited, I am very happy with the color...when I just saw it on the paint chip I was afraid it would be too light, but I think it's perfect!

That's all for now, I think. brain is a little fried, I didn't get a nap today!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Church Baby Shower.

I forgot to take my 36 week picture yesterday with all the excitement of the baby shower. I'll take one on Tuesday after my Dr. appointment and HAIRCUT! :)

The shower was a lot of fun...lots of talking to people...and meeting people I didn't even know...the church we go to is not huge...but it's pretty big, and we usually sit in the same general area every week, so we don't know all that many people. Hannah has so many things now...I need to get to work on her room so that we have a place to put it all!

I also updated our house blog with part one of our kitchen re-do, if you want to see what we've been up to around here. :)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

35 Weeks

I don't really like this picture(taken on mother's day)...but that's ok, I expect the pictures to get less flattering until I have a REALLY cute baby to show you. At my 34 week appointment I was having much pain, turned out to be a yeast infection...the Dr. checked me and said I was dialated 1cm and 50% effaced...and at my 35 week appointment she said that any time Hannah wants to come is fine with her...although I would prefer her to wait a while longer! (I have started to have a few random contractions, so that's fun.)

I'm doing non-stress tests twice a week now because of the extra fluid...and Hannah always does really well...and she's getting so much stronger lately! She goes crazy when I play the little hand-help electronic yahtzee game...can't figure out if she loves it or hates it. :) There's so much to get done before she's here...but...overall, I'm pretty ready....I think about 37 weeks would be ok with me, but so would 40.

Monday, May 4, 2009

34 weeks

Here is 34 my appointment I had not gained any more weight! :) Jason is convinced this is not a good thing, but I don't mind it.

After announcing to him yesterday that I thought I had lost my mucus plug (if you don't know what that is, you probably don't want to!)....he dug through a box of papers until he found our birthing class info to make sure that I wasn't going into labor. he he he He decided that since I had lost my plug, was starting to lose weight, and was nesting, labor could start at any minute.

I told him that I would get a new plug, that I was not LOSING weight...merely not gaining, and that I was not nesting because I felt like it, but nesting because we are moving!!

Heh....but then decided that I should go buy our carseat just in case she does decide to come early, heh. Since I've been planning on her coming late, when faced with a possibility of an early baby I get a little nervous!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Happy Anniversary Rachel and Jono! :)

:) May year #2 be even better than the first!

I found a couple bottles of your wedding bubbles while packing up to move and decided to keep them for a couple more weeks so that we could blow them on your first anniversary. :) We love you lots and lots!
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