Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Yesterday was closing day:

and this is our apartment right now-- a mess of boxes, some packed, some empty....but not enough room to put more packed boxes, paint chips, unwatched stuff from netflix (who knows when we'll have time!), and somebody's ticket for an illegal u-turn.

My day so far: Packing up cleaning supplies and a few tools, went to walmart for a step stool, bucket, dish soap, and hand soap...went to home depot for a bathroom faucet, went to menards for new locks.
My afternoon: Washing down all walls, cabinets, and anything else I can find, removing nails from walls, patching holes.
If I get that all done today, I figure I can go buy paint and get started on that tomorrow! :) Thursday morning is our ultrasound...then probably more painting...maybe more Friday..I've never painted before, so I'm not sure how long to expect it to take. Saturday I will probably be Jason's helper fixing small things, putting up smoke and CO detectors and such...Sunday I think is when our "first move" is going on...which is basically all of Jason's tools and workshop stuff from his Mom's basement + hand-me-down refridgerator, stove, dryer, dishwasher....and hopefully maybe get some of the boxes out of the apartment so that we actually have room to pack more. But if I can get ALL the painting done before we move anything in I'll be a happy camper.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Who can resist baby clothes?!

I was doing pretty well at not buying too many baby clothes until a few weeks ago...they're just too cute. This weekend Old Navy was having a baby clothes sale....everything was $5. The girl stuff was pretty picked-over by the time we went, but they had SO much cute boy stuff...you would not even believe...anyway, I was still able to find a couple of things. :) The green outfit was one that I saw online that I wanted...but I don't like to pay shipping...and that little sweater...oh my goodness...I would not have payed the $19.50 it originally costed, but for $5, how could I pass it up??! It's my favorite color, and so super sweet.

I failed the one hour glucose test I took last Wednesday.... :( I had to do the three hour test which made me feel SO sick, and my poor vein was sore when it was all finished, but the nurse called today and said I passed, so it's all good! Our ultrasound is scheduled for April 2nd, so hopefully I'll have more news after that.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I went to the Dr. this morning....

I had my glucose test, it really wasn't as awful as I thought it would be. I drank the sugary-sweet flat orange soda and went up for my 28 week appointment. Hannah's heartbeat is good, but when the Dr. measured my belly it was still measuring way too big...which I knew it would be...I found out in our class on Monday night that the line that goes up the middle of my belly actually shows how big my uterus it...and mine goes almost all the way up to the tip-top of my belly. So she's sending us to have a "growth check" ultrasound to make sure Hannah isn't HUGE, I'm guessing I just have extra amniotic fluid in there....but I don't mind seeing the babe again. :)

Oh...yeah...and I've gained my 20 pounds back. Heh.

Also...I ordered the fabric for the curtains in Hannah's room, and my Sweetie picked me up some paint chips the other night...I'm thinking of a blue-ish color in-between the two lightest colors on the chip for the walls. Since we close on the house on March 30th, and my birthday is the next weekend, I told Jason that all I want for my birthday is PAINT! (every room in the house is painted white) I can't wait to get started!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The problem with buying a cheap house...

The problem is all the money I want to spend to make it exactly what I want!

I am in love with this kitchen, but I'm not sure I want to know how much it would cost to have my kitchen cabinets shipped from the UK. :(

We sign papers today to have our closing date moved up to March 30th! :) Which means the 5.25% interest rate that we locked in on Saturday will actually be in effect when the deal is done. :) I am telling you, now is the time to buy, I'm getting so excited about April and fixing up our house, and May and LIVING in our house!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

5 years, 25 weeks, and a house:

Things are getting pretty crazy around here! Monday we celebrated the 5 year anniversary of the day we were matched up on eHarmony. :) We didn't do much to celebrate...he he he, signed more house papers, got pizza, and watched Chuck and Heroes. It was our last Monday before we start our birthing classes. Hey, we even took a picture! Most pictures these days are of my giant Hannah belly....like the next one.

This picture was taken actually the day AFTER I turned 25 weeks, but it's close enough. I look down toward my feet, and all I see anymore is a giant round belly and I wonder how it can get any bigger...but I see the profile pictures and it doesn't look that huge yet...such a funny thing...I can't even imagine what I'll look like at the end. My appetite has leveled off in the past week, though, so I'm hoping the weight gain will also. (at least for now)

AND...we had our home inspection last night! Here is a picture of our ugly little storefront house. :) It needs a lot of work, as you can see by the hanging gutter above the door! But it's about half a block from coffee shops and book stores and other fun things, and has definite potential. Right now the closing date is set for April 23rd....which we are really hoping to be able to move up, cause I'm sure I'll be HUGE by then....and I definitely want to do some serious cleaning and painting before moving in! But for now, I have A LOT of packing to do!
Write to me at: joy@AppleBlossomStudio.com