35 Weeks

I don't really like this picture(taken on mother's day)...but that's ok, I expect the pictures to get less flattering until I have a REALLY cute baby to show you. At my 34 week appointment I was having much pain, turned out to be a yeast infection...the Dr. checked me and said I was dialated 1cm and 50% effaced...and at my 35 week appointment she said that any time Hannah wants to come is fine with her...although I would prefer her to wait a while longer! (I have started to have a few random contractions, so that's fun.)
I'm doing non-stress tests twice a week now because of the extra fluid...and Hannah always does really well...and she's getting so much stronger lately! She goes crazy when I play the little hand-help electronic yahtzee game...can't figure out if she loves it or hates it. :) There's so much to get done before she's here...but...overall, I'm pretty ready....I think about 37 weeks would be ok with me, but so would 40.
That is exciting! You could have your little one very soon! I think you look great in the picture:)
Wow! Your body is definitely getting ready!
You still look cute to me! Wow, so she really could come at any time! Exciting.
Oh it's coming really soon! Enjoy your free time, you will see time goes fast with a little baby! Cannot wait to see pics!
Eeek! :) How exciting!
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