Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I'm totally going to...

do this in Hannah's room when she has a sibling to share it with.....since her closet is pretty deep, and kids' clothes don't really need a whole closet, we can just add an armoire for their clothes, and build a bed "into" the wall, I'm excited. Also...I like run-on sentences.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Fun Canopy....

I kinda want to make one of these for Miss Banana's go around her crib...since I'm obviously not going to spend the remainder of my nursery budget on buying one! I'm just afraid with how small Hannah's room is that it might be a tad overpowering...the room is about 8ftx9ft.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

32 week photo

Aparently blogger only has problems with me posting house photos over here...hmmm. Here I am (or we are, I should say) at 32 weeks. I think the growing is slowing a little...what do you I look much bigger than a few weeks ago?

Friday, April 17, 2009

You can see the pictures and the tour...


Since this blog is hosted *not* by gives me troubles often, and since I've been trying a couple of days to post the house pictures I decided to make a new blog for all the house stuff. So you can go over there to see our little storefront house and its various improvement projects. :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I see how it is......

blogger hates me.

maybe next time.

Will blogger even let me post?

I just got all my before pictures ready to post...and now blogger won't even upload them...we'll see if they let me post this at all.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


(after blogger wouldn't let me upload my wouldn't let me upload my post either!)

So, here is me today at aprox. 30 weeks...and Hannah!! She's trying to hide her cute face behind her arm. BTW...I am looking SO round! Crazy, huh...what will I look like in another 10 weeks!!!??

I finished the living room today, it looks pretty great, I'll have to show pictures soon, for sure. I also have all the before pictures...maybe Saturday!


Blogger is being a pain in the patootie and won't let me upload any pictures. :(
I'll post them later when Blogger decides to be more accomodating.

We had the ultrasound this morning and Hannah is still a Hannah, and still doing great, she weighs about 3 pounds 6 ounces which the Dr. said is just right. He said that my amniotic fluid levels are a little elevated, but most of the time they don't even have a reason for that, and that it is not a problem at all.

House stuff is going slower than I expected....Tuesday I was over there...I started in the kitchen, but the kitchen has a high ceiling and I couldn't reach everything to wash the walls even on my step stool, so I went to the living room instead. I washed the walls in there, pulled all the nails and patched all the holes. Next I went to Hannah's room...and this is where it gets interresting. I started by taking downt he globe to the light fixture, which had always looked a little scary since we first saw the house...well, the reason it emmited such an ominous glow is cause it was FULL of water...I don't know how it didn't start a fire or something!

So I go to the kitchen to dump the water out and hear some's raining and we've got a little bit of a leak between the kitchen and the laundry I decide to check the basement out, to see how it's doing with all the rain....but all I notice is a sewage smell....coming from the clogged floor drain down there, lovely. At this point I am just so discouraged that I go home and shower...and cry. Heh.

When Jason came home and asked about my day and I burst into tears...he...of course...was wonderful and optimistic and wanted to fix everything. :) We went and bought a ladder and some roofing cement to patch the leaks and headed to the house. Hannah's room is not actively leaking...the water was probably from a big snow melt or something...her room is right by the that's probably where we got some water Jason turned off power to her room...the bucket I had placed under the other leak was I guess it's not too major...and we're still waiting for a plumber to HOPEFULLY get that drain all cleaned out so that we can use water without a lovely sewage smell. :)

Fun times. So..Hannah's room will have to wait. Sweetie will tear down the ceilings (yes...plural...heh) in there and see what's going on up there, and THEN I can start on the nursery.

But yesterday I put the first coat of paint on the living room, it is bright and yellow, and I can't wait for the rest of the house to be as lovely. Today I plan to do the second coat of yellow and wash the walls in our bedroom....and hopefully paint the bedroom tomorrow. :) Painting is fun...but it's kind of a slow process I'm finding out.

Anyway, that's all for now!
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