34 weeks

Here is 34 weeks....at my appointment I had not gained any more weight! :) Jason is convinced this is not a good thing, but I don't mind it.
After announcing to him yesterday that I thought I had lost my mucus plug (if you don't know what that is, you probably don't want to!)....he dug through a box of papers until he found our birthing class info to make sure that I wasn't going into labor. he he he He decided that since I had lost my plug, was starting to lose weight, and was nesting, labor could start at any minute.
I told him that I would get a new plug, that I was not LOSING weight...merely not gaining, and that I was not nesting because I felt like it, but nesting because we are moving!!
Heh....but then decided that I should go buy our carseat just in case she does decide to come early, heh. Since I've been planning on her coming late, when faced with a possibility of an early baby I get a little nervous!
Awe! I love that picture! You look good in that color of Purple! You look really good pregnant! Honestly you don't look that much bigger just pregnant. Can't wait till you guys have your baby! Our pregnancies are so different! I gained like 5 lbs a week there at the end. That would be nice if you had her early just not too early. Don't want a little preemie.
Oh ya. I talked to mom and decided to send the boxes of clothes and such with mom when they go out. It would be a lot cheaper that way and you'll get everything soon enough afterward. Everything's been washed too so don't worry about that.
Oh it is so exciting! You are getting closer!!!
I'm just so excited for you guys. She is going to be a wonderful addition to an already wonderful family. :)
You're looking good!
Are you 100% sure you lost your plug already?! Did you read somewhere that you get a new one? I haven't heard that... all I know is that both times with me my plug came out right before the baby did. But of course, everyone's body is so completely different, and therefore what they experience in giving birth to a child is different. I am just so curious about this though! I saw mine with Hayley, and ya, it's not the prettiest thing :) . But if it came out already, I wonder if you are getting ready to go into labor soon. You probably haven't been checked yet, huh! Good move on the car seat :) .
I'm pretty sure...I've never seen anything like it before...heh. I have an appointment tomorrow, so I'll definitely ask the Dr. about it...I've heard that if you lose it early it can re-generate...I dunno.
I never noticed losing my plug and I guess that would make sense since I got induced. LOl!
Oooh! It would be exciting if she comes early...just not *too* early :)
Don't worry about the not gaining weight thing...I only gained 10 lbs with Katie and about 1 with Colin (because I was SOOOO sick) and they were both 8 lbs. plus at birth and healthy as could be :)
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