25 weeks:

We've had a full December so far! It has finally started to get cold in Wisconsin....so Hannah's been wearing her "warmy-warms" when we go out. Miss Banana also tried bananas this week....her own, not mooching from mama's banana, she loves them, of course! Now that she has teeth I have to be careful when sharing my apple or banana with her that she doesn't bite little pieces off! Saturday we went to the Elkhorn Christmas parade, Hannah's Grandpa John was driving the float with Grandma Carol's barbershop group on it, and as we were walking down to the parade, we stopped to take some pictures at the santa and elf cut-outs. :) And silly Hannah with a washcloth on her head in the "jumpy-jump." She loves that thing lately...I'm struggling with what all to pack for our trip to Kansas...I know I want to bring the bumbo, cause she sits in there to eat, but I kinda also wanna bring the jumpy-jump, cause it's her favorite thing latley, but I have to leave room for things like luggage, gifts, and the pack'n'play. What to do, what to do!?
Can't you just use the pack-n-play at your mom's house? 'Cause we'll be bringing our own for Ada to use on the trip. That'll save you enough room for the jumpy-jump! That thing looks fun!
Love all the pics! Especially the first, Jason looks like he's a pretty proud Daddy!
Awesome, that will be great! :)
Cute pics as always!
As weird as it may sound, packing with three kids is actually easier than it was with just one. I have a better idea now of what I absolutely need for the kids. Plus, you can always wash clothes if you have to. That saves on luggage space. It is also very nice when grandparents also have pack and plays!
We also only travel with what we absolutely need for the drive, because you can always buy baby food, diapers, wipes, etc., when you reach your destination.
Travel safe and have a great Christmas!
Hey, I recognize a couple outfits there! That jumpy-jump looks pretty cool! She might not dig the excersaucer so much with that thing around. I really like the first pic of Jason and Hannah too. And the second one is funny with them in the cutouts!
How cute! I wish I could meet her! And I totally wish I could be in Kansas to experience the lovely weather there!
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