Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My Favorite Friend

This is my "favorite friend of the moment" journal entry...of course...he's my favorite friend of EVERY moment...he's just wonderful like that. :) The title letters are all cut from a simple scrapbooks magazine.

You know, I was so mad at blockbuster online, all month they hadn't sent us ANYTHING...but Tuesday we received Blades of Glory, so it was all good. I'm still going to cancel, though, since they raised their minimum monthly price to $8 from $6, jerks. Maybe we'll try it again after a while, but right now I'm just upset that they raised our price.

Have a wonderful Thursday, all!

Joy. :)

Sunday, August 26, 2007

My Hobbies...

Oh my many hobbies do I have? ...probably at least 100! One of them is looking at magazines, so I punched all the squares on the right page from an old Martha Stewart Living magazine...many fun things, and on the left side talked about all of my various hobbies.

I like to do a lot of things! :)

Great news! We have an apartment! We move in September 15th, and I am so very excited. We've started packing up the office, got through four big boxes.....we need more space! Heh, oh well. I probably won't get much if any scrapping done over the next three weeks while we're packing and moving and unpacking, but I am going to try to keep up on my this is me journal. Hopefully that will keep me sane! :) Any moving and/or packing tips would be greatly appreciated!

Love you guys!
Joy. :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

This is me.

I've decided that it really stinks to only scrap on the weekends, but I really don't have too much time during the week, so I'm joining this is me, I like it cause it's just a little journal with an artistic flair, so I can feel like I'm getting my creativity flowing without all the stress of creating a "perfect" scrapbook page.

The first journal topic is "In my honest opinion..." I chose to write about women. I think we, as women, can do much better, if we try. What good does it do us to be catty, gossipy, backstabbers? So these are just my feelings about women, and what we can do as women, to have better lives.

(and I was excited to get to cut up this clorox ad I've had sitting around for about a year)
Joy :)

Friday, August 17, 2007

How great is this bed!!?

At 15 THOUSAND dollars, this bed won't be mine...but it gets me thinking that it might not be TOO hard to make something like this

Apartment search news....the apartments that I was in love with are all full, so it's back to the drawing board. We have a company picnic and stuff this weekend, so we're gonna skip the apartment dilemma for now, but next weekend we have an appointment to look at some cute, reasonably priced places. I've got to find SOMETHING!

Anyway, just wanted to share that totally fun bed and update you on the hunt. Have a wonderful weekend!

Joy :)

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Crazy Week.

Wow, with the store opening last weekend, a full work week, and trying to find an apartment, it's been a bit busy!

I scrapped this weekend, added this layout and two others to the gallery. It's hard when the only scrapping time I get is on the weekends, but that's life, I guess! Thanks so much, Joanne, for keeping me fully supplied with new Hayley pictures, what a cutie!

An update on the apartment hunting...we had our place in Kenosha all picked out, but since Jason's department was merged with another company and will probably be working in Oak Creek...we're looking for a place there. We went Saturday to look at a we had an appointment with, but the lady stood us smelled kinda funny in the building, though, I wasn't too heartbroken. The other one...was supposed to be open 9-3 on saturdays, but when we got there, there was a sign on the office door that said that as of the day before they were closed on weekends! Well, we both work Monday-Friday, so that's a bummer, but perhaps they can make us an appointment, cause I really am in love with this one from what I've seen. We're also looking at lots of furniture, and that's exciting...mainly a bed first, cause there's no way I'm putting this king-sized beast in an apartment bedroom! :)

Well, it's getting to be my bedtime. Have a great week, all!
Joy :)

Sunday, August 5, 2007

:) ...and we're LIVE!

AH! How excited am I!!? Here they are, and the shop is now open and ready for some customers! You can buy one, or a couple, or even the whole set. I also added some more layouts to the gallery, and I have several more in the works...I have three half-done at the moment! It's been a fun weekend. :)

I would like to recommend Shopify to anyone interested in starting an online store. They do a great job of giving you lots of features for a reasonable price.

Joanne, "The Whole Enchilada" was named for you! :) Love ya!

I also added a bunch of links to my favorite blogs over on the sidebar, a bunch of totally inspiring scrappers, and some wonderful friends and relatives, hope you can find some fun reading over there, I always do!

Have a great night, and a wonderful week, everyone!

Joy :)
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