Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Playing Catch-up

So, a lot has been going on, but my blog was broken, and then I lost my camera. I found my camera, now we'll see if the blog is fixed. :) This is Hannah when she was opening Birthday presents from Joanne's family, her favorite was the socks, of course, while I am quite partial to the "Miss Marvelous" onesie. :)

And then visiting out friends Ruth and Halleigh...Hannah very much enjoyed Halleigh's play kitchen, I'm thinking we'll have to make one for her for Christmas.

Hannah's first time swimming was in the kiddie pool at Jenny's house.

Her first time swimming in Papa's pond, she likes her little floaty boat. :)

Hannah helping Daddy with the fireworks!

Her new thing is frowning...but she only frowns with her's pretty cute. When I found the camera this morning I told her to smile for the picture, and she gave me a good frown. :)

And smiling Hannah! :)
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