Tuesday, August 21, 2007

This is me.

I've decided that it really stinks to only scrap on the weekends, but I really don't have too much time during the week, so I'm joining this is me, I like it cause it's just a little journal with an artistic flair, so I can feel like I'm getting my creativity flowing without all the stress of creating a "perfect" scrapbook page.

The first journal topic is "In my honest opinion..." I chose to write about women. I think we, as women, can do much better, if we try. What good does it do us to be catty, gossipy, backstabbers? So these are just my feelings about women, and what we can do as women, to have better lives.

(and I was excited to get to cut up this clorox ad I've had sitting around for about a year)
Joy :)


Blogger tsbjf said...

So how many pairs of shoes do you have now? That just caught my eye, when you were saying that women should be allowed to have as many shoes and purses as they want, and I remembered that you used to have a lot of shoes, that's all. How did the party go on the weekend?

August 21, 2007 at 9:37 AM  
Blogger Charin Adams said...

I had never heard of that site, it looks pretty cool! :) I may have to join in on the fun. :)

August 21, 2007 at 6:43 PM  
Blogger Greta Adams said...

Hi joy..thanks for commenting and i love your blog...will be adding you to my bloglines. That is so funny that your opinion is about woman and backstabbing....i haven't completed mine as i joined a little late and playing catch up but I have the same thoughts going...

August 24, 2007 at 8:42 PM  

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