How great is this bed!!?

At 15 THOUSAND dollars, this bed won't be mine...but it gets me thinking that it might not be TOO hard to make something like this
Apartment search news....the apartments that I was in love with are all full, so it's back to the drawing board. We have a company picnic and stuff this weekend, so we're gonna skip the apartment dilemma for now, but next weekend we have an appointment to look at some cute, reasonably priced places. I've got to find SOMETHING!
Anyway, just wanted to share that totally fun bed and update you on the hunt. Have a wonderful weekend!
Joy :)
That bed looks so modern! Cool one. :)
Good luck with the hunt, you will find something that's right for you! :)
Hey, I was going to say that bed looked so modern! I bet you guys could totally rig something up yourselves; you both are very creative. Hope you have a good weekend with the picnic and all!
I don't remember if I've said this yet, but I like your new haircut!
That's too bad about the apartments. But, I'm sure you'll find one. And, that bed is pretty darn cool!
that is darn cool!
You can know how great is this bed with help of the post here. Useful post
Bunker Beds
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