Tuesday, September 29, 2009

15 weeks

Hannah is 15 weeks old now, and we got a bumbo on craigslist...cause she really just doesn't sit up well on her own. She likes it, but since she's so small still she does this thing where she slides one leg out and one in so that she can either get to her toes...or chew on the side of the chair. he he he

And this is Super Hannah in her Jamy-cape. :)

She is still hating her crib....I think we just need to wait longer. Sunday we put her in the kick n play, and she thought that was really fun.

Heh, she also likes to sit here in the office and mess up Daddy's post-it notes. :)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

14 weeks

Hannah is getting so big! :) I can't wait for her next Dr. appointment so I can know how much she's grown. We finally picked a new Doctor for her, and I'm feeling pretty good about it...even though I haven't met her. Heh. I think Hannah is starting to do better on car rides...maybe by Christmas those issues will all be resolved. She is still pooping several times every day, and it seems to have helped her tummy a lot.
The next thing we want to work on is getting her to sleep in her crib, so far she just hates it. We tried to put her in there the other night and she was just so mad at us....we can try again in another week. It's crazy...no matter how tired or asleep she is, if I set her down in the crib, she wakes up and screams.
But we don't have to dwell on that, here is a video of my cutie. :)

Monday, September 14, 2009

3 Months!

Hannah is 3 whole months old, can you believe it?! Time flies...especially when you have a little cutie who is changing so much every day. Her favorite thing lately is Daddy...she loves it when he gets home from work to hold her and carry her around.... I think she gets a little tired of being with mom all day. I didn't take many pictures this week, but I have a couple cute videos for you....one where she rolled over and one where she's telling mama a story. :)

Monday, September 7, 2009

She's turning into a pooper (12 weeks)

So...Hannah has always had an odd pooping schedule....usually going a week between poops ever since she was born....this week she started pooping EVERY day...and several times a day...yesterday we made it up to four poops in one day! It's pretty crazy. It seems that now that she's pooping a lot more she doesn't have all the gas she had before....and hopefully the tummy aches will stop too, she seems to be turning into a happier baby...hopefully it is an upward trend. :) BUT...she seems to be hating car rides more and more. :( She SCREAMS the entire time she's in that car seat.
The pictures of her up there are one where she is wearing the same outfit as in one of her 5 week pictures, but she is much BIGGER! :) And the other is while she is doing a little dance in her bouncy chair. :)
Also...she is sleeping without me right now....usually this only lasts 10-15 minutes, we're trying to do better, though. Hannah also rolled from her tummy to her right side twice the other day...before she had only rolled to her left side. I don't think we have too much else going on, so here's a video where she had JUST rolled over and I'm trying to get her to do it again! :)
Write to me at: joy@AppleBlossomStudio.com