She's turning into a pooper (12 weeks)

So...Hannah has always had an odd pooping schedule....usually going a week between poops ever since she was born....this week she started pooping EVERY day...and several times a day...yesterday we made it up to four poops in one day! It's pretty crazy. It seems that now that she's pooping a lot more she doesn't have all the gas she had before....and hopefully the tummy aches will stop too, she seems to be turning into a happier baby...hopefully it is an upward trend. :) BUT...she seems to be hating car rides more and more. :( She SCREAMS the entire time she's in that car seat.
The pictures of her up there are one where she is wearing the same outfit as in one of her 5 week pictures, but she is much BIGGER! :) And the other is while she is doing a little dance in her bouncy chair. :)
Also...she is sleeping without me right now....usually this only lasts 10-15 minutes, we're trying to do better, though. Hannah also rolled from her tummy to her right side twice the other day...before she had only rolled to her left side. I don't think we have too much else going on, so here's a video where she had JUST rolled over and I'm trying to get her to do it again! :)
12 weeks already!?! She is too cute and so strong! I would think that the poop increase should be a very good thing! Sorry about the car seat problem. I've been there and it is so frustrating because there is just not much you can do!
Cute pics! That's good that she's pooping more often. She's funny how she doesn't want to roll over for the camera. She did it right in the beginning and then she just wanted to look at you.
Yay for pooping!!! I was talking to a mom from church a few weeks ago, and she mentioned that some of her kids did the once a week pooping thing when they were babies. I forget how we got on that Well, when you become a mom, bodily functions pop up in conversation :) .
Hates the car seat, that's no fun. Hopefully she'll get out of that stage, at least by Christmas when you guys are going to drive to KS, right? We'll be feeling the pain too. It's not fun listening to a screaming baby while you know you have hours left to drive! Stressful.
She is such a sweetie! Holds her head up really well, and look at that roll!
Oh my GOODNESS what a cute baby! :-)
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