15 weeks
Hannah is 15 weeks old now, and we got a bumbo on craigslist...cause she really just doesn't sit up well on her own. She likes it, but since she's so small still she does this thing where she slides one leg out and one in so that she can either get to her toes...or chew on the side of the chair. he he he

And this is Super Hannah in her Jamy-cape. :)

She is still hating her crib....I think we just need to wait longer. Sunday we put her in the kick n play, and she thought that was really fun.
Heh, she also likes to sit here in the office and mess up Daddy's post-it notes. :)

And this is Super Hannah in her Jamy-cape. :)

She is still hating her crib....I think we just need to wait longer. Sunday we put her in the kick n play, and she thought that was really fun.
Heh, she also likes to sit here in the office and mess up Daddy's post-it notes. :)
Bumbos are awesome! Great that you found one on craigslist too! They are so expensive.
Super cute Super baby;)
Cool Bumbo! I had never even seen those until on Olivia's blog with Chloe. I had looked for one on craigslist for Ada when she was younger, but then time passed and she was sitting. Both her & Hayley got their sitting thing down right around six months. Hannah looks so cute sitting there in her little chair!
I tried earlier today, and now, but the video isn't working for me. I shall come back and try again!
I liked the comment about her messing up Daddy's post-it notes :) .
YouTube can be so flakey sometimes; it just worked now! The girls and I watched it three times--Hayley kept requesting more viewings. :) Ada was talking to the screen. Cute video!
She looks cute in the bumbo! I can definitely see her head tilt. Looks like torticollis to me. You should ask your new doc about it.
Please don't let her mess up Jason's post-it notes. I have experienced his post-it nightmare of a desk & know he will be lost without them! :D
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