14 weeks

Hannah is getting so big! :) I can't wait for her next Dr. appointment so I can know how much she's grown. We finally picked a new Doctor for her, and I'm feeling pretty good about it...even though I haven't met her. Heh. I think Hannah is starting to do better on car rides...maybe by Christmas those issues will all be resolved. She is still pooping several times every day, and it seems to have helped her tummy a lot.
The next thing we want to work on is getting her to sleep in her crib, so far she just hates it. We tried to put her in there the other night and she was just so mad at us....we can try again in another week. It's crazy...no matter how tired or asleep she is, if I set her down in the crib, she wakes up and screams.
But we don't have to dwell on that, here is a video of my cutie. :)
Joy, thanks for posting!!! I look forward to all these updates of Hannah, she is SO cute, and I just want to hold her so bad! She is a growing girl, it is amazing how fast they take off. Did you guys have to pick a new Dr., or was the old one not working out? Hope the new one is good. Sounds like her & Ada have something in common, with screaming in their crib. Ada was totally like that every night for the first few months....since she's been able to move around, she's been a lot better, because she wears herself out. So hopefully Hannah will follow suit. Because it is SO nice when they start sleeping through the night for you! Hayley was 6 mo., and Ada was 4 mo. Although teething can affect this niceness...
Give Hannah a kiss for me! And tell her I can't wait to see her at Christmas!!! And you & Jason too, it's been TOO LONG!!!
Super cute pics! Love the video of her dancing! It's so nice when they start sleeping in their own bed! Hopefully it'll be soon. Can't wait to see the little baby either! Just a few more months!
Her Dr. was leaving, so we had to find someone else.
I'm not too worried about her sleeping through the night or any of that, I would just like to be able to put her in the crib for a nap...or for bedtime before I'm ready to go to bed. WWe're gonna work on the whole bedtime routine thing and putting her in the crib.
:) That polka dot dress is adorable!!
So cute:) Glad the car rides are getting better!
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