Friday, June 12, 2009

We'll have a baby by Monday.

I wish I could be more excited about it, but I was really hoping to avoid induction. I'm REALLY excited about having our baby...but mourning the loss of the birth experience I really wanted.

Last night I was awake for several hours just thinking of all the things I could say to my Dr. to talk my way out of an induction. I didn't really think I would even have to use them TODAY, usually I just have to do my NST on Fridays, and see the Dr. on Tuesdays.

The NST went well...but the Dr. wanted to check my cervix after it was done. So, I'm now 4cm dialated, 80% I've made a little progress since last being checked. Then she started talking induction. :( She had told me last time we talked about induction that we could wait until week 41...this time she said she told me that cause she really didn't think we would have to worry about going past my due date. :( That was actually the part I was most upset about...I wish she hadn't led me on like that.

Basically, she said I could refuse the induction, but she really did think it was for the best, and she was quite insistent about it. She said because of all the extra fluid, and becuase they don't know WHY I have so much, she thinks it's safer to induce...that basically nothing would be hurt by a 40 week induction, but she felt there were significant risks in going longer.

Even though I don't think that an induction is best for baby because of the domino effect of interventions...I don't want to refuse something that might be best for my baby becuase of my stubborn pride. Sigh.

So, I guess that's why my appointment was BEFORE lunch today, instead of after like the rest of them had been(so that I could have lunch with my Sweetie afterward)...I was really upset, but went to my Sweetie's work and we went out for lunch and discussed everything. He said he would take off work early and call Coral, our Bradley instructor, for some advice.

On my way home I picked up a bottle of castor oil...I had decided weeks ago that if I needed to dodge an induction, I would drink the oil...ugh. ( wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!)

So, this weekend will be spent taking the castor oil and staying close to the bathroom, and hopefully jumpstarting some labor!

That was a little long...sorry!


Blogger LivG said...

I am so sorry:( I know how badly you wanted the natural experience. I will pray that you will go naturally before the induction! How amazing would that be? It worked for Tab:) She was supposed to be induced on a Monday, but she went into labor on the Saturday before! I've had good luck with Black Cohosh bringing on some good strong contractions. I went from a 1/2 cm to 3 in one day after taking it! Whatever happens I pray that it is the best experience for you and I am so happy you will finally get to meet and hold your sweet baby girl:)

June 12, 2009 at 10:27 PM  
Blogger pescbrico said...

I'm sorry you have to have an induction. But in another end I'm kind of glad the doctor is sticking with their idea. My first delivery did not go smooth at all and I wish I would have had my baby earlier, so I think it is wise even if it's not fun at all for you. I'll be praying everything will go as smootly as possible and that you will have a great experience even if it's not as you had planned. Here is a HUG!

June 13, 2009 at 8:10 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Egg plant is suppose to help put you in labor also.

June 13, 2009 at 2:09 PM  

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