The Ultrasound:

I was SO excited the night before our ultrasound that I has a REALLY hard time sleeping! It was really fun...the ultrasound is at the hospital where we will be delivering, not the one I see my Dr. at, so that was a new experience. At first Hannah was really stubborn and just laying on her belly and wouldn't turn over for the tech to take all her measurements, eventually she did turn over and we got the rest of the pictures that they needed. I drank some juice beforehand so that she would be sure to move around a lot...she is a little wiggler! It was really fun to watch her movements on screen and feel them at the same time...the BIG movements, like when she would stretch her legs out all the way. :)
Her heartrate was 158, she weighs about 11 ounces, and all of her measuremnts are right on track with her due date. It was fun to see what she looks like with the 3D shots...but she'll probably change A LOT in the next 20 (or so) weeks!