Happy Anniverary, Jenny and Nathan!

:) I can always remember Jenny and Nathan's Anniversary because it's two days before Jason and my "kissing anniversary." He he he, I had told Jason that I wasn't going to kiss him until we got married, but...that didn't happen! :) He drove down to Kansas for our "third date"...he stayed for like...a week. He got there about 6 in the morning on the 21st, he had driven all night. He pretty much went to bed as soon as he got there, cause that's the day Jenny was getting married! :) He was my date to the wedding, and I think we spent the next day in Topeka, went to church at SWTBC, went to the Wasso's house, went to Gage Park and the Gatekeeper and bought comic books.
Monday night we went out to "the farm" took the paddle boat out to the trampoline in the middle od Dad's pond and we layed out there and talked and watched the thunder in the distance. I remember, we talked about what superpowers we would have if we were superheroes. :) I wanted to kiss him so bad, heh, and I did. It was nice. :) Saturday will be four years since our first kiss, but we celebrated last weekend, since I have to work this weekend, and we actually took pictures! (it's been so long since we've taken pictured of the two of us...mostly cause my hair was getting bad for a while, but I finally got it cut about a month ago, and then my skin just wasn't doing very good...but after my cyst popped magically my face started clearing up, and voila, we have pictures! :)
I didn't know that's when you first kissed! Crazy! Love was in the air! Lol!
This is a fabulous layout!
Cute page! Man, that trampoline has a lot of history!
I didn't know Jason was at Jenny's wedding! Weird. I remember going...but I don't remember him there.
Also, I'm dying to know what "history" Joanne is referring too!!
love this layout. too cute.
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