Wow...so...I'm probably the worst blogger EVER! We've been pretty busy unpacking and setting things up, but we're having lots of fun! :) My parents were up this past weekend to bring us more stuff for our little apartment, lots of our wedding gifts that were still in Kansas and such. I got to use my beautiful shiny pots and pans to make supper tonight. :)
So this is my little scrappy space, I have yet to scrap there, maybe this weekend if I get everything all put away, eh? :) I hope so!I think it's been almost two months since I've REALLY put a scrapbook page together. I should work on finishing our wedding album! :) I also need to look into finding a good place around here to have my photos developed since we no longer have a super walmart.
Joanne, I hear you have your new camera, I expect some pictures of Hayley soon, I hear she's looking just like you! :) I need a baby picture fix!
For now I need to go clip my coupons so that I can do my grocery shopping tomorrow. Lots of good stuff is on sale this week ending tomorrow, so I need to get to that.
Have a great week, guys! I hope to be able to show you some fun projects soon!
Love ya!