Almost ready to scrap! :)'m probably the worst blogger EVER! We've been pretty busy unpacking and setting things up, but we're having lots of fun! :) My parents were up this past weekend to bring us more stuff for our little apartment, lots of our wedding gifts that were still in Kansas and such. I got to use my beautiful shiny pots and pans to make supper tonight. :)
So this is my little scrappy space, I have yet to scrap there, maybe this weekend if I get everything all put away, eh? :) I hope so!I think it's been almost two months since I've REALLY put a scrapbook page together. I should work on finishing our wedding album! :) I also need to look into finding a good place around here to have my photos developed since we no longer have a super walmart.
Joanne, I hear you have your new camera, I expect some pictures of Hayley soon, I hear she's looking just like you! :) I need a baby picture fix!
For now I need to go clip my coupons so that I can do my grocery shopping tomorrow. Lots of good stuff is on sale this week ending tomorrow, so I need to get to that.
Have a great week, guys! I hope to be able to show you some fun projects soon!
Love ya!
Hey, Mom and Dad said your new appartment is really nice! Has Mom talked to you about drawing names for Christmas yet? Because, we did!
Hey you should post some pics of your new apartment. Even though it's not finished yet. If you waited till it was all done you'd never get any pictures posted.
:) So glad you're getting close to being able to scrap again! I haven't in a couple of weeks, and I hate that feeling!
Looks great, my dear Joyful! Only one problem, though! I don't see my box of goodies I gave you...and you know what deadline is soon! ;-P (Like I'M one to talk about deadlines.)
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