A Week From Tomorrow!! :) :)

Ahhh! I am getting so excited! A week from tomorrow we're moving. This is the floorplan of our cute little one bedroom apartment! :) My sweet hubby is even kind enough to put a grid on it in illustrator so that I can plan out where everything will go. :) We have to downsize a lot, mostly poor Jason...cause so much of my stuff is still down in Kansas....but it's good to get rid of things. If you think about it, how much of the stuff you have is stuff that you regularly use? For us it's a pretty small percent, I think. Probably only a small percent of my scrappy stuff gets used too...I should probably go through it all and donate about half of it! I think it makes the creative process easier to have less stuff to choose from. Anyway, I should put away laundry and finish getting ready for work. Have a great weekend, everyone! (I will be packing like crazy!!)
Joy :)
Very fun, miss joyful! I can't wait to see it! I'm sure you'll have lots of fun getting it all set up!
Well, it looks like you actually have a little bit of storage space. I'm probably the opposite of you. I throw everything away. I can't stand having things laying around that I don't use. Oh, and, you can donate some scrapbook stuff to me. That would be so cool!
Hey, you could totally save money on Christmas presents and just give away your excess scrapbooking stuff. You must have a TON of stuff to have to get rid of some! Looks like a cool apartment; do you really get a washer and dryer? That'd be so sweet.
It looks cute! :) Congrats on your new space :)
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