Wow! So we have had a bit of a busy weekend, oh my! We have been watching
movies, working on the
website, I have gotten quite a bit of scrapping done, and we visited a new
church this morning. :)
Yesterday we went to the Transformers movie, FINALLY! It was really good. I don't actually remember the cartoon THAT well, but the movie was great, and I totally recommend it! So, that picture up there is of
Jason's "transformed" movie ticket. :) He's funny. And today we watched Newsies...classic! That movie always makes me think of the
camp boys, especially Matt Mills.
We worked a lot on setting up the
Apple Blossom Studio Store. I got the stamps in this week and am so excited about opening up shop! :) I was originally going to sell through
Etsy, but decided that since I wanted to be able to sell a few things that weren't made by me I would just do it all from my site. So I took lots of pictures of the stamps and can't wait to show you all!
I have completed four scrapbook pages, one card, and a journal for the
gallery, and I hope to have that all up tomorrow night. :) I have had so much fun working with these stamps, and I hope that you will too!
Thanks for stopping by!
Joy. :)