Monday, November 30, 2009

24 weeks:


24 weeks:

cloth diapers:

cozy corner:

dancing with Marissa:

We had a fun Thanksgiving week. :) Hannah tried carrots this week and likes them a lot! Another new thing this week, cloth diapers! Since Hannah started sleeping in the crib, we've been having problems with leaky diapers...mostly because she rolls over onto her tummy, and the front half of the diaper just isn't absorbent enough...we tried doubling up on disposables, which was better, we wouldn't wake up with a soaked bed, but we still had leaks and wet jammies. So we tried a couple different cloth varieties, the Flip and the Econobum, and the Flips were awesome, with no leaks all through the night...the Econobums are ok during the day, but we still had leaks at night, so the Flip will be our nighttime diaper of choice.

Hannah also has something else new: a cold. :( She woke up with a fever the other night, so we've been doing the tylenol to keep that down, and now that her temperature is under control she has a terribly stuffy nose...and she HATES the booger-sucky thing. :(

Also new: Hannah's second tooth came through on Friday!

Thanksgiving was a lot of fun, Thursday we went to Jason's dad's, and Hannah had fun with her cousins, and then Saturday we went to Terrie's for Christmas cookie baking with Jason's mom and siblings...Timmy was very excited to be the BIG cousin to Hannah, and Daddy read them a book back in the "cozy corner" in Timmy's bedroom, so cute!

I still haven't taken pictures of scrapbook pages...but we canceled Hannah's therapy for tomorrow, since she's been running a temp, so we'll see if maybe I have a few minutes to do that. Have a great week! We are excited about starting some Christmas decorating!

Monday, November 23, 2009

23 weeks:

5 months:

23 weeks:

First tooth:


Hannah and Mama:

Floor before:

Floor after:

So much going on!
Hannah got her first tooth just after turning 5 months old. Last Monday we tried peas...and that face says it all: she kept gagging. So mama went and bought a bag of frozen peas and made her own baby food, much cheaper and tastier, Hannah now loves peas...tonight we do carrots. :)
This weekend we did the new kitchen floor...mostly Jason, but I helped a little and supervised. :) I showed you a close-up of before, cause just like everything in this wasn't nearly as frightful from far away. I am LOVING the new floor, so happy with it! Jason wants to get more of the same flooring and continue it into the dining room, I think it will look nice.
Anyway...we have to go finish straining the carrots, have a good week!

Friday, November 20, 2009

A scrapbook page?

Apparently I didn't empty my camera of Hannah's 5 month photos yet(and it's in her room where she is napping), so I'll share a scrapbook layout! :) There is actually more where this came from, I am happy to tell you! I have about 7 or 8! Maybe this weekend I'll get a chance to take pictures of them....but, as evidenced by the above picture, I haven't found a great place to take photos of scrapbook layouts yet.
We had a busy week....finishing painting the kitchen, eating peas, and doing some Christmas shopping. Life is good.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

21 weeks

Hannah and I seem to be keeping busy these days, and she's turning into such a big girl...sleeping in her crib and stuff. She's talking like crazy lately, making as many different sounds as possible. She kissed another boy...Sam, he's 2 years old, guess she's moving on to the older men. :)

Hannah's stocking only took me a week to opposed to my last sewing project, the strawberry costume, which took probably a month...probably cause she naps in her crib now. :) I am enjoying the increased productivity around here for sure.
And here is my little Sweetie pausing her double-foot-chewing long enough to make some noise:

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween (20 weeks!)

Hannah napping with her butt in the air.

Hannah hanging out with Dad in the morning.

The strawberry suit.

Halloween with the cousins.

New bib and rattle.

Hannah and Marissa.

We had a pretty good week, Wednesday we dressed up with our Bradley buddies and went for a walk in the corn maze...which was too muddy, so we walked elsewhere. Friday we had lunch with Daddy and his co-workers and Cat and CJ, and Hannah kissed CJ, it was pretty cute! :) He's the first baby other than herself in the mirror that Hannah has kissed.
Thursday night Hannah started sleeping in the crib, Friday night she slept 8 hours straight in the crib, and Mama woke up at 4am in a panic and soaking wet...cause even at night I'm used to nursing at least every 4 hours.
Saturday was Halloween and Hannah turned 20 weeks. Jason had gotten me a massage gift certificate for Mothers's Day that needed to be used, so I had my massage that morning, it was the first time I had left Hannah. Dad did so good with Hannah....fed her some cereal, played with her, got her dressed and put her in her crib for her morning nap when she started getting cranky! :) After that we went to Jason's Dad's house for Halloween and spent some time with the cousins. Grandma and Grandpa gave Hannah a treat bag with bibs and a red rattle phone in it. :)
Today we went back to the physical therapist who said that Hannah looks a lot better, gave us a couple more exercises, and we'll go back in 4 weeks just to make sure everything looks good. :)
Hannah is also getting a lot better at eating. :) It's fun.

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