4 months!
17 weeks:

4 months:

18 weeks:

unfinished halloween costume:

Not much going on around here....still waiting for Hannah to crawl. (Maybe I'll have a video next week.)
At her 4 month appointment she was 24 inches long, and 12 pounds 2 ounces. :) She has a head tilt, and I started stretching her neck like the Dr. showed me after her appointment and I think it's gotten a little better already. We had physical therapy for it today, but I don't expect to have to go to the physical therapist too many times. We really like Hannah's new Dr. too, she was very supportive of breastfeeding and didn't give me any trouble about Hannah being small. :)
We're going to try to start Hannah on rice cereal sometime this week, she's pretty much obsessed lately with anything I'm eating, so we think she's definitely ready. :) I was going to wait until 5 months if we could, but I'm ok with starting earlier.
I've been working on Hannah's strawberry suit, and finally finished doing the seeds last night. It is totally cute, and she really likes wearing it. I think we'll wear it Wednesday when we go walking with our Bradley buddies. :)

4 months:

18 weeks:

unfinished halloween costume:

Not much going on around here....still waiting for Hannah to crawl. (Maybe I'll have a video next week.)
At her 4 month appointment she was 24 inches long, and 12 pounds 2 ounces. :) She has a head tilt, and I started stretching her neck like the Dr. showed me after her appointment and I think it's gotten a little better already. We had physical therapy for it today, but I don't expect to have to go to the physical therapist too many times. We really like Hannah's new Dr. too, she was very supportive of breastfeeding and didn't give me any trouble about Hannah being small. :)
We're going to try to start Hannah on rice cereal sometime this week, she's pretty much obsessed lately with anything I'm eating, so we think she's definitely ready. :) I was going to wait until 5 months if we could, but I'm ok with starting earlier.
I've been working on Hannah's strawberry suit, and finally finished doing the seeds last night. It is totally cute, and she really likes wearing it. I think we'll wear it Wednesday when we go walking with our Bradley buddies. :)
Sooo cute!!! 4 months already??? Cute strawberry outfit:) I don't think 12 pounds seems small. Chloe is 16 pounds and she is 10 months. I have "smallish" babies though too I guess. One word of advice about feeding her cereal...just make sure that you still nurse often and offer the breast before the food. In my own experience I started losing my supply when I introduced solids. Babies LOVE to eat LoL;)
I loved it when my babies started eating baby food. It's seemed to be easier to keep them happy and easier on me too. That's good that you're doing PT with her. It didn't take Addison long to get over it either but it could cause lots of problems if you don't get the head tilt taken care of right away. The costume is so cute! I can't wait for Halloween this year! Can't wait to see Jilli's finished witch costume either!
I've never heard of babies having a head tilt. What causes that?
It's caused by stronger muscles on one side of the neck than the other.
I wondered about that, because in 97% of her pictures, her head was always leaning to her left, but I thought maybe it was just by chance. Glad you really like the new Dr.! It is always good to have one that agrees with how you do things.
Alex & Addison I know took to solids really well, where as mine only finished an entire container of baby food a few times. I don't know if they just didn't have the patience for it, or what. I think they probably just preferred drinking more. I hardly even feed Ada baby food anymore, I give her what I can that we're eating when it is meal times; they can eat almost anything at 9 months. I hope Hannah enjoys her cereal! As Jenny said, it does make it a little easier when they can be satisfied with food other than yourself. And agreeing with Olivia as well, it is a good idea to nurse often still, to keep up that supply. How long do you want to nurse Hannah for, or have you even thought of it?
And now I've left you another little letter on your blog, lol. I seem to do that here and there. LOVE the pics! Got my preview on facebook :) . Costume is awesome!!! You are so creative! And the leg warmers crack me up, I think because I haven't really seen them too much before, but they are the cutest on Hannah, she is rockin them! Did you find them in a store somewhere, or were they a gift?
The leg warmers I had just seen on other babies before, and on etsy and stuff...but I am cheap so I bought cute knee socks and cut the feet off of them. :) I've heard they're nice for when the crawling starts too, to keep their knes covered.
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