7 weeks

There's my little Sweetie-Pie this week. :) She's definitely developing a little personality! This week we walked some more...one day we even walked all the way to the post office and back, more than 3 miles, and Hannah slept in the stroller the whole time!
We also used a giftcard that Hannah got to pick out a playgym this week. She spends most of the time laying there looking around, but once she figures out that flailing her arms makes things jingle, she's entertained. :) She's not too interested in grabbing things yet, but she likes to reach for things.
I think Hannah gets cuter everytime I see pictures of her! She is so adorable!
Omg! That first picture is too cute! She's so pretty! I like the video too! It's fun to see what they're like!
So precious! I love it that you've been able to give us a weekly update--with videos too!
So cute! She's getting so big! :)
In the first pic she looks like her mom a lot.
Your Hannah is so so so adorable! I love the weekly updates too!
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