10 and 11 weeks:

Things are pretty much more of the same around here. That first picture of Hannah was at 10 weeks, she's showing off how big she is. Then we have a nice smile while she's in the swing and watching Bob the Builder. :) Then the pants-head-thing....we did this cause Joanne used to put Hayley's pants on her head when changibg her diaper. :) Do you do that with Ada, Joanne?
Hopefully next week we'll have a good video to share. :) Tomorrow I hope to get a new phone....mine has stopped ringing or telling me that I've missed calls...lovely, huh? It's been doing that for more than a week, but I just figured it out today...so realy, I've not been ignoring anyone, it's my phone's fault.
Joy, your little darling is just So Stinkin' Cute! I love when you post pictures of her. :-)
Lol! Ok, we had like exact thoughts on all of these pics, Joy. I saw the first one, and I thought, "wow, Hannah's looking longer!" On the second pic, I just really love her outfit! The third pic totally reminded me of what I'd do with Hayley, and then I read the post following, and I was like, "dude!". I used to do that to Hayley all of the time, but I think I've only done it to Ada once or twice. Probably because when I just had Hayley, we had all the time in the world to mess around. Ada is getting jipped with pants-on-the-head because, well, we just kind of get it done, you know? I guess Diaper changing is not as much of a novelty the second time around. Although I guess I do blow on her tummy sometimes when I change her diaper, and I don't remember doing that as much with Hays...so I guess I still mess around, just in a less time-consuming way. If that made any sense. LOL! BTW, Hannah is SO cute! And I am just dying to hold her and give her little kisses!!! I so much love babies, I think I'll just have to keep having them. They are bundles of love.
Thanks for continuing to post updates Joy! I sure love it!
Cute cute CUTE!!!
I just got a new phone too! It's not very exciting, but it's new:)
Well, I guess that explains why you haven't been calling me back! Mom had to call me after I talked to her and complained about calling you and never hearing back. She told me about your blog post! lol! Anyway, I love the pics! Super cute!
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