5 weeks

5 weeks already, I can't believe how time flies!! It is so odd to go from pregnancy where time goes slower than ever to having a newborn where time goes way way too fast. Hannah's one month appointent went pretty well. She is up to 8lb 4oz, 22.5 in. The Dr. still thinks she's not gaining enough...sent us to the ENT to have her tongue tie clipped, and I think she's feeding more efficiently now, we'll go in for another weight check sometime this week. Our Dr. makes such a big deal about wanting her to gain on ounce a day, but the book that he gave me says 1/2oz-1oz a day, so I really think she's doing just fine.
On Friday we had a "welcome baby" party...I am telling you, we got SO much clothing, I think we're set for a while...Hannah's closet is SO packed...and that's just with the new stuff...we have boxes and boxes of hand-me-downs. I have discovered that style-wise my favorite brand of baby clothing is the Jumping Beans stuff...and I'm not sure where to even buy it! I just love all the embroidery and aplique on it...so adorable!

This is my home-made Moby Wrap AKA "the only way I ever get things done." We wore it to the grocery store this week, and Hannah didn't make a peep the whole time, usually she's wailing by the time we finish, it was great. We also use it do do the dishes and laundry and such...maybe tomorrow we'll even mow the lawn.

Since I'm not scrapbooking yet I just want to blog about a few things that I want to remember. While Hannah is eating Jason likes to put the nursing pad on her head like a yarmukle and call her "Jewish Baby." He he he. When she has the hiccups he calls her "hiccuppotamus." :)
So cute! I love the wrap! I think I've seen those before. She's so cute in the car seat picture! I like the booby pad on her head too. Cute!
She is so adorable. :)
Kohl's, that's who sells the Jumping Beans brand. They do have cute things! Love the first pic of Hannah, she looks healthy to me! I like the wrap that you made, way cool. Babies always love to be carried :) . Jason is so funny with his Jewish baby thing; he is very creative! Cool that you have so many clothes, guess you guys will just have to have another girl :) . Or maybe twin girls next time ;) .
On the tongue thing, the people checked Ada's tongue after we were born. Must be a genetic thing. We didn't even notice anything, she seemed to latch on fine and everything. Then it was later on that day that a "specialist" came in to check her tongue & sucking ability--I guess someone in the nursery had flagged Ada to be checked for that. So this lady came in the room and had Ada suck on her finger. Then started using big words that we didn't understand, and pretty much treated us like we were dumb for not knowing what she was saying. When in the end she declared that Ada was fine. Some people = silly.
Oh yeah, I just remembered that one of the clothing items I sent you was Jumping Beans. So you probably liked it a lot, huh? :)
When they cut her tongue loose (the attachie thing under it, right?) was there a lot of blood? Like how does that work--did they just take a pair of scissors and snip it? Just sounds painful. And I'm just trying to visualize how they would get a baby to hold still for that.
Yeah, the one you sent with the deer on it was jumping beans and I love it!
When they did her tongue they has a couple of nurses hold her down while the Dr. clipped it with little scissors (after numbing it)...there actually wasn't that much blood...they stick a little gauze in there and they have you feed right away for a couple of minutes and it's over, it really wasn't bad at all...the worst part was that she was hungry while we were waiting to have this done, but they don't let you feed cause they're worried she'll throw up....so she was an unhappy hungry baby for about 45 minutes.
This post is so cute and made me laugh! I love your pics:)
Hungry baby for 45 minutes, no fun! Wow, what a procedure!
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