3 weeks

We've had a pretty good 3-week birthday. We got to stay in bed until 11 this morning, Hannah had a big poop, and she got a bath today! She still doesn't like the actual bath part, but likes getting her hair washed. Her favorite things are bright colors and ceiling fans. She doesn't seem to mind wearing mittens on her little hands...but usually one of them falls off, so we joke about her only wearing one as a Michael Jackson tribute. I've clipped her fingernails twice...but even when they're short, they're still sharp, and she scratches her little face, so I try to keep the mittens on her.
We're getting better at going out...this week we went to the Dr, the post office, the grocery store, Target, out to lunch with Daddy, Joann's Fabrics, and she does pretty well. Before I had a baby I always thought I would feel awkward about nursing in public....it's really not that big of a deal, I'm finding out...if the baby is hungry...you feed her, and that's that.
At the Dr. this week Hannah was up to 7lbs 12oz...not quite her birthweight yet, but at least it's headed in the right direction, and her bilirubin is still down, so we'll see the Dr. again for her one month checkup.
She's a pretty good sleeper at night, usually sleeping for 3-4 hour stretches, so I'm not TOO exhausted most of the time, but I also end up taking at least one nap during the day. Speaking of...it's probably time to head in that direction!
Thanks for sharing your pictures and the little video with us! My big girl liked it a lot. I'm glad you are able to take napS in the daytime it helps a lot at first and a mommy tired is a mommy that is lacking milk... So good for you and your little one if you are able to rest! :)
Have a great day! :)
Awe! She's so cute! I like the video! Addison did the same thing but now it's druly and not as much fun. I'm glad you're able to do more things now. It's a big adjustment!
She is so cute and that video is so sweet and funny:)
I'm glad everything is going so well!
Cuteness!!!!! Love the pics & video! It's so awesome to see you guys as parents :) .
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