2 weeks:
It's been a crazy couple of weeks...and Daddy goes back to work at the office tomorrow, we will be lonely ladies. It seems that we have been keeping busy with doctors and hospitals and visitors and eating and sleeping...with not much spare time. Hannah had some jaundice, so we spent a night at the children's hospital in the hot box, and she's been off and on the biliblanket...but now is finally OFF! We had some issues because Hannah just doesn't seem to poop much, but the gastro doctor said she's just fine and that breastfed babies sometimes go several days without pooping.
I think the hardest thing we've had to deal with is that while we were in the hospital with jaundice, Hannah was only bottle-fed...she had my pumped breastmilk plus we supplemented with formula, and when we were finally done, she had a hard time going back to breastfeeding. It took a day or two to get back into the swing of things, but I was really scared at first that the Dr. had ruined my baby and that she might only want a bottle after that.
Overall, having a newborn is much more time-consuming than I had imagined...I only get to shower about every other day...and I don't do much laundry or any dishes...basically we just sleep and eat, it's kinda nuts.
She's so funny to me...I could watch her all day long...if I didn't need sleep, she's just so darn cute I can't help but to just stare at her for hours on end. :) So far I like being a mommy...other than feeling like I have no time to accomplish anything! It's just hard not to worry what your house looks like when you have people visiting all the time!
I think the hardest thing we've had to deal with is that while we were in the hospital with jaundice, Hannah was only bottle-fed...she had my pumped breastmilk plus we supplemented with formula, and when we were finally done, she had a hard time going back to breastfeeding. It took a day or two to get back into the swing of things, but I was really scared at first that the Dr. had ruined my baby and that she might only want a bottle after that.
Overall, having a newborn is much more time-consuming than I had imagined...I only get to shower about every other day...and I don't do much laundry or any dishes...basically we just sleep and eat, it's kinda nuts.
She's so funny to me...I could watch her all day long...if I didn't need sleep, she's just so darn cute I can't help but to just stare at her for hours on end. :) So far I like being a mommy...other than feeling like I have no time to accomplish anything! It's just hard not to worry what your house looks like when you have people visiting all the time!

Oh Joy, she is adorable! You just enjoy her and try not to worry too much about how your house looks. She will grow up so fast and you will wonder where the time went. I promise no one cares what your house look like and they will understand how busy you are as a new mommy.
Hayley and I looked at the pictures first, and when she saw Hannah in those glasses, she asked, "Is that baby being funny?" Then during the video, after you said, "Isn't she just the cutest little thing?", Hayley exclaimed, "I like that baby!" :)
Hannah is a cutie! And what cute shots of her with those glasses! I know it wasn't so fun to go through though. Glad she went back to the breast! That must have been a frustrating time. Glad you found time to post!!! Love hearing from you! And yes, at the beginning, the baby takes all of your time. But it is how it should be :) . As Olivia said, they grow up so fast!
She is cute! The first weeks are the "worst" one in term of not having time to yourself. Try to take it easy as much as you can so you won't get burned out fast. Forget about your house... everyone who has had a baby knows that well we just cannot do everything at once in the beggining!! Anyway the only thing they will see is your little treasure! Thanks for sharing! Hug to you both! :)
I love the pics and the video is so precious! She is so pretty! I'm glad everything is going better now! Mom was going on and on about how cute she is and what a good time they had out there with you guys! Wish I could come out! One thing I would do to get my shower in was bring Addison in the bathroom with me in the bouncy chair. That way you can peek out at her to make sure she's okay. I bet things will go all right when Jason heads back to work. You can get into a routine that works for you. Seems like you've really taken to being a new mommy!
She's so cute!!!! Congratulations on your new little girl!!! I know it can be shocking just how time-consuming it all is. The simplest tasks become big chores! It will slowly and steadily get easier and easier with each new day. She's such a little sweetie!!!
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