I've Heard Your Inner Monologues!

I know you guys have been thinking to yourselves, "Gee, I sure wish there were a way to effortlessly proclaim my love for Apple Blossom Studio stamps to the world!"
I'm here to tell you that those wishes have been granted! We have a new page of downloads available! :) I whipped up a couple of pretty wallpapers. (I keep switching between orange and purple, not able to decide my favorite!) I made them in 5 different sizes so that 90% of our visitors are covered, and if you have a screen resolution I didn't make, just email me, and I'll make sure you get some wallpaper too! :) We also have a little blinkie you can put in your blog sidebar or message board signatures. Have fun!
i didn't even realize about the snaps i just thought that it needed something
Cool wallpaper! I can't decide which I like better either, they are both really good shades.
I apparently, have a weird size. I went ahead and picked one of the closest wallpapers, but, my monitor is 1280 x 768. And, I added the link to my blog. Thanks!
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