I think that I must be as affected by caffeine as the poor spider who made the bottom web. ....why else would I be so completely tired and worn-out and yet not able to sleep a wink? I really think it does terrible things to me, perhaps I should start a journal of all my symptoms each time I consume a caffeinated beverage, cause I am seriously nutty tonight.
Well what are you doing drinking caffeine before bed? You're not going to be able to drink caffeine when you're pregnant. Coffee and wine are the two main things I miss!
Caffeine is sooo bad! Stay away! :-) I seriously can not sleep if I have a soda after 6pm. And, I'm always sleepy if I drink it during the day - stick to water and you'll feel better :-)
Or you could go cold turkey with the caffeine. (vs. doing the journaling thing on its effects on you) Dude, you know how I feel about that kind of stuff! It's alright, everyone's got their vice. Jeremy's new favorite thing are those iced coffees from McDonald's.
So, how did you come across that image? Were you up at 3am googling for pictures of caffeine problems? :)
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