Birthday Party!

Sunday was our niece Marissa's second birthday. :) Jason volunteered us to make a cake, so we decided on an ice cream's the first cake ive decorated since moving to Wisconsin almost 3 years ago! ...but it's just like riding a bike. Jason helped a lot too, he worked on the outlines, the wheels, and the blue wave, pretty good for his first time, huh?! I thought so!
We got Marissa new sneakers for her birthday, and she was SO excited about them! She had her mommy help her put them on right away! That little stinker is already potty-trained, can you believe it!? It's hard for me to think of her as the same age as Hayley cause she's so much smaller, but they're only two weeks apart. We had a lot of fun at the party, I like having some weekends off work to be able to go to stuff like that. :)
Cute cake! Wow! Can't believe she's potty trained already! That's awesome for Jason's sister!
That is an awesome cake!!!
That cake is too cute! (and I'm jealous of the potty-trained 2 year old!!)
Marissa is so cute! And I love the shoes you got her. It's funny how little girls just enjoy girly things at that age already! They're so fun. And I didn't realize that her and Hayley are so close in age--they're exactly two weeks apart. Potty trained already, that's awesome! And this is their second kid, right? Because their son was your ring bearer I remember. They have some cute kids!
Oh, and I totally wanted to comment on the cake too! You guys were made for each other, being all creative and everything :) . I remember you used to make cakes all the time back in Salina; one of the phases you went through. That's cool that it all just came back to you though, and Jason did do really awesome for his first time! Man, that is one cool cake. I wish you guys were here to whip up Hayley's b-day cake for next year, which you totally could be if you decided to enjoy our nice climate.....
cute cake. looks like a fun time.
cutest cake ever...and cutest niece!
Thanks for posting pictures, Joyful! I love it!
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