100th post/blogiversary party!
We're having a party and we need a little help!
This is a new stamp, "loop-de-loo"
and I want to give away a few.

The size of this stamp is about 4.75inx2.75in.
And here is how you can win one: Below is a little sneak peak of our second stamp set, over the next 8 days I will be posting each of the stamps individually and asking for help in coming up with names for them. You can check out the names we gave the first set on the Shop page. At the end of each day I will pick a favorite name for the new stamp, and the person who came up with the name will receive the loop-de-loo stamp. You can also win the loop-de-loo by leaving your name in the comments of this post and I will randomly draw a winner at the end of our blogiversary week.

Thanks so much for all your help!
This is a new stamp, "loop-de-loo"
and I want to give away a few.

The size of this stamp is about 4.75inx2.75in.
And here is how you can win one: Below is a little sneak peak of our second stamp set, over the next 8 days I will be posting each of the stamps individually and asking for help in coming up with names for them. You can check out the names we gave the first set on the Shop page. At the end of each day I will pick a favorite name for the new stamp, and the person who came up with the name will receive the loop-de-loo stamp. You can also win the loop-de-loo by leaving your name in the comments of this post and I will randomly draw a winner at the end of our blogiversary week.

Thanks so much for all your help!
This is not a good name but all I could think of lol put me in the drawing for random post lol (a.k.a. people who can't name stamps lol) "beautiful borders"
Nice stamps by the way & congrats on the blogiversary
ekkkk i love the names of the first set you chose...and ummm yeah...that is some fine stamps you got girl!!
i say name it run for the border ;)
I think it would really help to see an index of what they looked like stamped out. I really can't tell anything form the pic! But the loopdeydoo is really cute!
Your stamps rock! I've made some cards with your first set and hope to get up on my blog soon.
ooh! pick me! pick me!
I'd love to be entered....
how about 'Bodacious borders'? ;) Or border-scrapbook hoarder? ;)
gorgeous new stamps. I love the name of the one at the top. Best of luck with the new set and happy blogaversary.
Cool stamps! This will be fun reading all the name suggestions. So after you are done with all of your stamp posts, you are totally going to write 100 things about yourself, right? Because I really want to read 100 things about you!
Candy stripes
An imprint wou;d be great to inspire us.
Just to make sure I understand- you'll be posting each one, one per day and we name JUST that one?
I'll be checking back to see what one is listed first. I'm not good at naming things, but maybe inspiration will strike me :)
How about Elegant Edgings or Extravagant Edges? (My first thought was Bodacious Borders but someone already picked that--she should win because great minds think alike, LOL!)
Flower Lines
Hmm.. probably better off in the random drawing, huh? LOL
What a giving person you are, my dear Joyful! I can't wait to see what you've done with each of the stamps!!
I'm so with Joanne on the 100 thing's about you post!! (Of course, it'll have to be 110 things if it's the 110th post ;-))
cute new stamps!!!
happy blogiversary! your stamps looks really great!
Wow, being away from the internet for so long has made me miss out on tons of contests here! But maybe I'll win this one.
I'm Rachel, btw. ;)
These stamps are just too cute!!! Congrats on your blogiversary!!!
Congratulations on your Blogaversary! Woo-hoo!
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