Spending Update: Day 25

This week I read Smart Couples Finish Rich by David Bach. It was good, but it was mostly about investing....I would like to read this one again once we're finished with our debt snowball and we can begin investing. He does have a helpful chapter at the end about how to get a 10% raise every year. If you think about it...most raises that we get are about 3-4%....which doesn't even keep up with inflation! Crazy, huh?
A lot more than I've noticed having more money this month....(cause we spent a bunch on Jason's dress clothes and new contacts and glasses...AND I worked a lot less)...I've noticed having a lot more time.....I mean...how many books have I read this month? how many hours have I spent at the gym? how much scrapbooking have I done? I think the only thing I've done less of is crafty projects...because I haven't been able to spend money on them. We're looking forward to going out for burgers July 1st...and to seeing a movie right away...but I think I'm going to try to shop less still and keep reading books and going to the gym more.
That being said...I'll need something else to read about next month...this month was devoted to finances, what should next month be? suggestions, anyone?
Biography month!
ooh! Romance Novels!
I'm with Rachel. Biographies sound really fun!
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