Two Years Ago

Two years ago today I married the most wonderful man on the planet! I have had the best two years of my life. :) I have the greatest sweetie ever!
First thing this morning we opened our gift from mom and dad, they got us a robot! You wind him up and he walks and has sparks in his eyes. :) We like it a lot, thanks mom and dad!
Then we went to work...same old, same old. After work we went to a used furniture store to see if they had a wonderful couch by any chance, they didn't, but they had a really nice recliner we're thinking about. Then we went out to a restaurant close by where we live...called Arizona Grille. It's pretty new and Jason had been wanting to try it, so we went there, and the food was super yummy! We stuffed ourselves and then came home to watch one of our 3 seven o clock shows....the computer records American Idol, the VCR records the Biggest Loser, and we watch Beauty and the Geek live. The Biggest Loser should be over in a couple of weeks and then it won't be so crazy on Tuesday nights.
Our couch situation is a little undecided right now...since I can't have my perfect couch I kind of feel like I don't want to spend that much money on something that isn't EXACTLY what I wanted, you know? So...we looked at Salvation Army last night, and at a used furniture shop tonight to see what we could find. We found a definite possibility at Salvation Army....we really love the shape/style, but it's kind of old and sun-faded, and would need to be worked on. I think it would be really fun to learn how to re-upholster it, but it also kind of scares me...since I don't really know how, and don't really have much time to work on it.
Anyway...we're gonna go see what we can find at the regular furniture store tomorrow night and then hopefully make a couch decision by the end of the week.
I thought maybe it was a sign when they didn't have the fabric that i wanted that maybe the timing wasn't right for the couch....and then this week the store we plan to buy from is having a 25% off sale, so I thought that was maybe a sign...then Jason said something about maybe seeing if we could find something cheap I'm all unsure I decided that if God wants us to just buy a cheap used couch he will show me that before Friday when the 25% off sale is over. :) Heh...I don't know if I'm even making sense anymore!
Have a great week, everyone!
Love, Joy.
Aww, happy anniversary!! :)
Glad that your present reached you! It shipped way early, but it's all good. If you need a little early birthday pick me up you could open it, or you could wait till your day. I'm glad you had a good anniversary! It's always going to be easy for me to remember how many years you've been married since it's the number that Alex & Hayley are about to turn for their ages.
The couch situation does sound crazy yo. I will pray that God brings the perfect couch to your attention before Friday--He can handle the stress! Love you!
Wow! You're funny! I know this girl that Nathan works with who's dad reupholsters things. She always jokes that her dad sews. He does the interior for all their planes. He does old cars and furniture too. It's way cool. He did all of their furniture and they all look so cool! Maybe if I were you, and wanted to get an old couch, I would pay to have some one reupholster it for you. It's probably a little too difficult for someone like us, but would probably be really amazing if someone who knows what they're doing did it.
Hey Joy, I figured I should tell you that you'll have to wait till you come out to Salina to get your bday present. I was just going to send you a card, but I saw this thing and had to get it for you. Those are the best kinds of presents, huh!
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