Craigslist Success!

Thursday I finally made my first successful purchase from craigslist! :) Back in September or so when we were getting ready to move we had emailed about a couple of things on there...but it was always too late, but last week I finally had success, I bought this TV stand. :) We are really pleased with it.
I also had my heart broken. :( By the time I talked my hubby into letting me get these chairs they were already bought. Aren't they great!!? I love them, and they would go great with our bedroom...but alas, it was not meant to be...I have really bad luck with furniture sometimes. Ah well.

I love that tv stand! And bummer about the chairs, those are way cool!
Oooh! This post totally reminded me that I could count my first craigslist purchase as a first for the year!
Wow those are a lot of cords going on with the computer!
yeah, they power the flux capacitor and proton packs... It's a bit of an eye sore, but really comes in handy when I need to bust some ghosts in the future.
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